Who We Are
Thank you for exploring Trinity’s website. Trinity is an historic congregation, the first house of worship in the City of Reading. We were established in 1751 and are still worshiping in our beautiful colonial church building, constructed in 1791. Some of our families have been part of this congregation for many generations. At the same time, Trinity is always open to new people and we are eager to welcome fresh ideas for ministry. We believe that God is continuing to write the history of this church through those who have been called together today.
By the grace of God’s Spirit, we have a deep love for this city and for those who live here. Our members come both from the city and from surrounding communities, but we all share a vision of reaching out with the love of Christ to those who are our neighbors. On our Ministries tab, you can see descriptions of opportunities for youth and adults, learn about our interesting and always-evolving media ministry, and explore the wonderful work God is doing among us for the good of this city and the world God loves.
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, affirming and encouraging the full participation of LGBTQ members and visitors. We are strengthened through diversity and blessed by the multitude of talents, perspectives, and faith journeys of all who gather here.
Worship is at the center of our life together, because as we hear God’s Word, receive forgiveness, and offer our lives in praise, we are assured of our place as God’s beloved children and are formed as the people God has created and called us to be. Music at Trinity is always a special gift and many people of all ages and cultures find that the beauty of liturgical worship touches a deep place in their lives.
What to Expect When You Come to Trinity
We hope that you will be able to come to Trinity and experience God’s presence among us.
If you are joining us for Sunday worship, please note our worship times listed at the top right. Greeters are waiting near the courtyard doors to welcome visitors, answer questions, and provided directions. We celebrate Holy Communion each week at all services, inviting all who wish to receive the Risen Christ to the Lord’s Supper. As a help to visitors, the entire service is printed in the bulletin; we use the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book only for the hymns. Be sure to introduce yourself after the service and feel free to join us for coffee fellowship.
There is no dress code at Trinity. While some wear dresses or suits, others are comfortable in jeans or shorts. All are welcome. Children are also an important part of our worship life and we encourage their participation as they are able. For little ones who need to run around, a staffed nursery is available each Sunday in the Annex (ask an usher for directions). Sunday worship usually lasts about an hour. Secure parking is available in our Trinity lot, with access from Fifth Street, between Washington and Walnut; street parking meters are not enforced on Sundays, providing you with another parking option.
You’re also welcome to come by during the week to meet Deaconess Deborah, to tour the facility, or to find out more about how Trinity can become part of your life. The church offices are in the Bard House, across the beautiful garden courtyard from the Sanctuary. Please contact us to schedule a visit using the form below so that we can be prepared to spend time with you. You are always welcome to take part in service, fellowship and other ministries without being a member; if something interests you, contact the office to see how you can take part.