Learning Ministries
In the educational process the Spirit of God encounters people of all ages so that they are nurtured in faith, grow in knowledge and experience, and are inspired and empowered to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. This call to discipleship compels us to share our faith and serve others in the home, the community, and in God’s world. At Trinity we encourage all of our members to be engaged in learning ministries. “Christian education is at the very heart of the church.”
Adult Forum is held in the auditorium from 9:00-9:45 (or so) each Sunday from September through May. A variety of discussions and Bible studies are offered. In the past we have hosted professors from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, directors of local not-for-profit organizations, and programs led by members and staff. Check out the monthly calendar and Steeple Notes to see what is happening this month.
Seasonal Advent and Lenten Groups are offered, normally on Tuesday evenings. We often join our covenant partners from Christ Episcopal Church for this time of study and spiritual growth.
Fellowship Opportunities
Many of Trinity’s fellowship opportunities are either inter-generational (such as the church picnic and Christmas caroling) or are centered around service to the church and community (choirs, Covenant Prayer Shawl group, Courtyard Cafe, etc.). Still, there are special events throughout the year where adults can socialize and enjoy Christian fellowship.
Concerts and Recitals are offered throughout the year, both at midday and in the evening and are followed by refreshments. These events are publicized in Steeple Notes and on the homepage.
Beer and Hymns is a fellowship event open to the community every other month. Held in local pubs, participants sing songs of faith over good food and drink. Non-drinkers and children are welcome. https://www.facebook.com/beerandhymnsreading/