0305 bulletin
Follow along with our March 5 worship bulletin

April 27th and May 4th: Easter Traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch
Join Pastor Hans for a consideration of some of the most charming and traditional ways that the first Europeans in Berks County celebrated Jesus’ resurrection and the coming of Spring.

April 20th: No Sunday Forum
Intergenerational egg hunt follows worship.

April 13th: No Sunday Forum
Join Pr. Hans and Dcs. Deborah on the Palm Sunday procession and prayer walk throughout downtown Reading during the Christian Education hour.

March 9th – April 6th: New Testament Study
Join Pastor Hans for a weekly Bible study on the assigned lesson from the New Testament. How did the early Christian church act out Jesus’ call to prayer, repentance, and service?

This Sunday at Trinity
9:00 AM Sunday Forum has been cancelled to allow for more time for snow removal.
Mixed Ensemble practice has also been cancelled this Sunday.