Free parking available in our secure lot on our North 5th Street lot (121 North 5th Street, Reading, PA) between Washington and Walnut Sts.
December 24 5:00 PM – Family Candlelight Worship
As folks gather for 5:00 PM worship, the Trinity Brass, playing on the portico, will welcome folks with traditional Christmas carols. Our worship time will start with a selection by the intergenerational Trinity Orchestra under the direction of David Himes. The service will be filled with traditional carols, a musical offering by the Mixed Ensemble, communion, candlelight and Silent Night.
December 24 10:00 PM – Choral and Handbell Prelude
December 24 10:30 PM – Candlelight Worship
Streaming at 10:00 PM on Comcast 190, Facebook, and YouTube
The later service begins at 10:00 p.m. with a half hour of music by the Trinity Choir, Trinity Ringers, Trinity Handbell Quartet, and a piano solo by Julianne Michalik Maggio. Choral music will include: Hodie, Christus natus est – Healey Willan, O Magnum Mysterium – Tomas Luis de Victoria, Where Riches Is Everlasting and Jesus Springing – Bob Chilcott, and What Sweeter Music – John Rutter. Handbell selections will include Ding Dong! Merrily on High – Lloyd Larson, I Wonder as I Wander – Peggy Bettcher, and Noël Nouvelet (Sing We Now of Christmas) – Anne Krentz Organ. Other special music will include This Holy Night by Scott Weidler chanted by Ben Hoover, Silent Night, and Morning Softly Awakens. The final hymn, Of the Father’s Love Begotten will swell to a final Paean on that hymn by John Cook.