Amy Litvinov, Vestry President
Letters of thanks were received from Lutheran Diaconal Association, Bear Creek and Family Promise for donations received from Trinity. Opportunity House also sent a note of appreciation for the gifts through the Angel Tree.
The Evangelism/ Media committee is in the organizational phase and will be meeting to appoint a chair. If anyone continues to be interested in serving but has not reached out, please contact Pastor Hans, Travis Schick or Joe Speece.
HVAC/ heating issues in the kitchen and chapel have been brought to the attention of the property manager, John. He and the property committee continue to work on solutions and remedy any HVAC issues in our historic building.
Our historic building is in need of two large undertakings. The ceiling in the sanctuary needs to be renovated due to cracks that continue to enlarge. The Tiffany windows (those not attended to in 2020) also need repair. The property committee, staff and vestry are aware of these needed renovations. And are contemplating when these projects should commence, funding and duration of the projects.
Vestry has authorized application to the National Fund for Sacred Places Grant which is supported by the Lilly Foundation (the largest foundation to provide funds to religious organizations in the United States). This grant, if awarded, is a dollar-for-dollar match for funds provided by the congregation for the ceiling and Tiffany window restoration projects. The grant deadline is in March, but the award of the grant will not be announced until the fall.
Vestry is very thankful for the work and preparation that the Fellowship Committee put into the celebration of Dr. Cameron Wentz’s installation on February 2, 2025. We have received much positive feedback from the Congregation as well.
As Trinity has recently updated its investment policy, it is now time to move forward with RFPs. Several financial firms have been identified by the Finance Committee, and it is anticipated that RFP letters will be sent out mid-March requesting that all proposals be returned within thirty days. A working subcommittee will be created composed of several finance committee members and some executive committee members to move forward after proposals are received.
Member offerings were slightly below budget in January and expenses appear to currently be on track for the budget year. Trinity endowment balance is up by approximately$140,000 for the month of January.
On March 8, Vestry will be attending a workshop at Trinity focusing on our vision and mission utilizing that information gathered at the cottage meetings that were held over the last several months.