Trinity supports and sponsors a wide variety of local and global ministries with both volunteer hours and financial resources. We provide opportunities and encouragement for the entire congregation to be involved. It’s God’s work, our hands.
COURTYARD CAFES and WINTER CAFES offer nourishing food and a safe space for our neighbors who live and work in downtown Reading. Many of our guests are homeless and many struggle with mental illness. Our Winter Cafes, along with our Courtyard Cafes in the summer, offer a welcoming atmosphere to visit and share a meal with these children of God. Volunteers are always needed to donate and prepare food and to serve the meal.
10th and PENN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Trinity has ‘adopted’ our local elementary school. Throughout the year we offer ways to support the staff and children including collecting uniforms, underwear, socks and coats. We also have a team of members who volunteer in classrooms each week, offering their skill and love to the children and their support to the teachers.
HOPE’S TABLE and ST. JOHN’S FOOD PANTRY Working with the West Berks Mission District and the Reading Lutheran Parish, Trinity supports a number of local food pantries and food ministries. On the first Sunday of the month, we receive Bags of Blessings — grocery sacks of non-perishable food, which are distributed by our sister congregation, St. John’s. Volunteers are also needed for distribution on the second Tuesday of each month. We also provide prayer and financial support for Hope’s Table, a ministry of worship and dinner, as well as after school programs, which serves over 100 people each week at our sister congregation, Hope Lutheran. Visitors and volunteers are always welcome at Hope’s Table on Tuesday evenings.
BERKS WOMEN IN CRISIS Trinity supports this important work that provides services and emergency shelter to victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
OPPORTUNITY HOUSE is a local service, initially established by Reading area churches (including Trinity), to provide housing, counseling, health care, job services, childcare, after school programs and other transitional services to help individuals and families move from homelessness to self-sufficiency. Trinity provides meals, economic assistance and a presence on the Board of Directors to strengthen this work and those whom it serves.
WORLD HUNGER RELIEF Trinity has been a key partner in the work of the ELCA to address and work to eradicate world hunger. Thousands of lives are saved each year, as we bring the love of God to our world with our partners through the ELCA. We also work to educate one another about many global needs and relief efforts. Special offerings are received periodically throughout the year, and designated gifts may be given at any time.
ELCA GLOBAL MISSION Trinity strongly supports the work of our church around the world. We have sponsored missionaries and various synodical projects supporting our companion synods.
MARY’S SHELTER provides loving care, shelter and counseling to young women in difficult circumstances during pregnancy and the start of their child’s life. Trinity conducts diaper drives and provides financial support.
I CAN and DEAF SENIORS are ministries that have grown out of Trinity’s Deaf congregation and are also supported by members of the hearing church. Trinity Deaf Senior Citizen Center is held the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10:00 am-3:00 pm. in the church auditorium. “I Can,” a support group held in cooperation with the Mental Health Association, meets the first Saturday of each month, September – May, with Bible study at 11:30 am., followed by lunch and fellowship time until 2:30 pm.
PRAYER SHAWLS, SCARVES and CAPS are knit by members of our Covenant Prayer Shawl group and are distributed to those who are sick, cold or in need of special care and prayer. Prayer Shawl ministry meets monthly at church, but much work is also done independently by participants who knit at home. Volunteers are always welcome.
FAMILY PROMISE offers food and shelter to homeless families. Trinity partners with Atonement Lutheran in Wyomissing to provide staffing, food and support several times a year. Volunteers are always needed. Our next scheduled week to host is December 23-30, 2018.
LITERACY COUNCIL of READING-BERKS Trinity provides classroom space for ESL and literacy classes and volunteers for literacy tutoring.
LEARN MORE — There is so much more that Trinity does to share God’s love in the world. Read our Steeple Notes, attend our Sunday forums and check back into this page regularly to witness God’s work, our hands.