Trinity Lutheran Church - Reading, PA
Sharing God's love with all people
Though we sometimes doubt and often resist God’s desire to protect and save us, our God persists. In holy baptism, God’s people have been called and gathered into a God-initiated relationship that will endure. Lent provides the church with a time and a tradition in which to seek God’s face again. Lent provides another occasion to behold the God of our salvation in the face of the Blessed One who “comes in the name of the Lord.”
Follow along with our worship bulletin: trinityreading.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/March-16-2025-Lent-2.pdf
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On Ash Wednesday and the First Sunday in Lent, The Trinity Choirs sang Gordon Young's "Just As I Am". The classic hymn text (found in the ELW #592) is set to Young's original music. As our Lenten journey begins, we are invited to partake of Christ's promise of salvation just as we are. ... See MoreSee Less
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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod
Reconciling In Christ
Common Ground Recovery Community
West Berks Mission District
Christ Episcopal Church
Fall Festival of the Arts
Reading Lutheran Parish
ELDA (Evangelical Lutheran Deaf Association)
Berks Deaf & Hard of Hearing