The September meeting of Vestry at TLC was called to order by Amy Litvinov, Vestry President. Steve Welz, Vestry Vice President, led a moment of meditation focusing on an article about emotional intelligence. Members reflected on how this concept applies to roles of leadership along with our everyday lives. The August meeting minutes were approved. A communication was received from the CROP Hunger Walk thanking the congregation for its sponsorship contribution to the walk being held in October.
Committee liaisons were appointed as follows: Amy Litvinov, Stewardship; Steve Welz, Personnel; Erica Hofmann, Finance; Donna Osborne, Worship and Music; Martha Good, Congregational Life; Eric Rosenbaum, Property; Jennifer Smith, Media; Maggie Shelly, Outreach and Service; Albert Pohl, Learning Ministries; and Kate Speece, Learning/ Youth Ministries.
Vestry received an update from the Personnel Committee that they will be meeting on September 23 and that annual performance evaluations will be held this fall. The committee will provide evaluation results to Vestry upon completion. Vicki Unruh is the new chair of the Outreach and Service Committee. Fellowship and Events is served by co-chairs Allison Kalbach and Martha Good. Learning Ministries and Stewardship Committee need chairs. If anyone is interested in serving as chair, member or volunteer for any committees, please contact the committee chair or vestry liaison for more information.
Vestry received recommendations and information from the Minister of Music search committee. After both the regular vestry meeting and a special meeting called on Sunday, September 22, Vestry unanimously voted to forward an official offer for employment to Cameron Wentz, Ph.D.
Vestry discussed scheduling cottage meetings for members to have the opportunity to discuss their vision for Trinity moving forward and work towards a strategic plan. Please look for more information soon regarding attending a cottage meeting.
Erica Hofmann presented the Treasurer’s report reflecting a positive picture for the financial position of TLC. Member giving is on target for the 2024 budget along with an increase in investment funds of over $210,000. However, several expense line items are over budget including Information Technology, Property, Salary, and Security, causing expenses to exceed income to date for the year. These line items are being considered by the Finance Committee, Vestry and staff as we approach budgeting for 2025. The Property Committee submitted a report reflecting work that is occurring regarding the Bard House and the continued auditorium renovation. The committee alerted Vestry about future projects to address the ceiling in the nave along with necessary repairs to the steeple. Vestry’s next monthly meeting is scheduled for October 28, 2024 at TLC.