Ash Wednesday at Trinity
Worship with the imposition of ashes will be offered at two times: 12:05 PM in the nave and 7:30 PM in the nave.
The midday service will be a briefer Eucharist, but will last longer than our usual 25 minutes in the chapel.
The evening service will be a full Eucharist with music provided by the Trinity Choir. Pastor Hans will preach the same sermon at both services.
Lenten Midday Services
Throughout Lent, we will be gathering on Wednesdays in the Chapel for a Eucharist with a briefer sermon on the appointed Gospel text for the day. This service begins at 12:05 PM and ends at 12:30 PM.
Did you know? At our midday services, we always use the appointed reading from the ELCA’s daily lectionary, which on Wednesday is always a reading from the gospels. This relates to the season but helps us to fill in the gaps between the Sunday lectionary readings. During Advent and Lent, our attention turns to these readings in greater detail.